I'm currently 25.63776934488 years old.
75%^ life remaining!

^ Assuming life expectancy of 102 years.


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Books (see all →)

Book Notes

You can read my book notes here.

Currently Reading (see all →)

  1. Wanderers, Kings, Merchants - Peggy Mohan

  2. How the World Really Works - Vaclav Smil

  3. Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

  4. Travelling To Infinity - Jane Hawking

  5. The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

  6. Nudge - Richard H. Thaler

  7. The Sun Is Also a Star - Nicola Yoon

Recently Read (see all →)

  1. These Hills Called Home - Temsula Ao

  2. Bitter Wormwood - Easterine Kire

  3. Accelerating India's Development - Karthik Muralidharan

  4. The Living Mountain - Amitav Ghosh

  5. The Tatas - Girish Kuber

Do you have any suggestions? Feel free to shoot an email to hi[at]reangdeba[dot]xyz. You can also get in touch via social media.


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