2021 was a challenging year for me. I did not keep a diary, so it would be hard to recall every significant event in 2021. I’ll make an effort nonetheless to describe events that had a massive impact on my life. As I said, I did not keep a diary, so the events are not listed chronologically.

The year of growth

I learned a lot in 2021, if not anything else. The learnings are as varied as they can be- I learned about friendships, negotiations, gossips, etc. Of course, it’s just another revolution around the sun. Still, I think I have grown more as a human being, trying to appreciate opposing and diverse viewpoints. I tried reaching out to more people, asking them about their feelings, trying to network. There are pros and cons to that, but that will perhaps be the subject of a future essay.

I got into IIM Ahmedabad

This will probably be one of the most critical events in my life, if not the most important. I don’t really know how I managed to do it and why I signed up for an MBA, but it happened, and I now regret it (I’m kidding; I’m grateful.). IIMA is a magical place, honestly. Sure, the usual tag, brand, etc., exists, but in my opinion, the people make this place what it is. I’ve not seen a more intellectually stimulating and diverse group of people anywhere. Although, in all fairness, I have not seen much of anything.

I spent more time with my sister

The days I spent at home, just watching my sister grow up and enter her teenage years, were the best days of 2021. Humans are fantastic, and the pace with which they grow up is just incredible. It felt just like yesterday that I was carrying her around, and all of a sudden, she was humming along to Taylor Swift’s 22 or Conan Gray’s Astronomy. Growing up, I did not understand why grownups cared so much about children. I think I now have a sense as to why. It’s incredible what aging can do to you.

I found time to dance

I would still say, “I prefer EDMs to anything!” However, I danced to many songs whose lyrics I did not understand at all. I think that’s the beauty of songs- you don’t have to understand it, you just move according to the beats. Plus, it helps to have friends who are always willing to dance alongside you.

I graduated from college

It might not sound like a lot, but I graduated from IIT Kanpur in 2021. I studied Electrical Engineering, but I think I learned more about life in those four years than engineering. Sadly, I could not attend the convocation because I had my final exams at IIMA from the very next day. I would love to someday go back to IITK and experience the beautiful campus again, even if for a day or two.

I got bitten by a dog and fell ill with dengue

The initial few months at IIM Ahmedabad were grueling for me. To start with, I got hospitalized because of dengue fever. Those four days were tough physically and mentally. However, I’m truly happy that my friends helped me through it all. The loneliness that I felt at the hospital is hard to describe using words; it was a very unpleasant experience.

A few weeks after that, a dog bit me for reasons I did not understand. I was angry at the administration and wrote a strong-worded email that led to nothing at all. “A is A.” You can read more about it here.

Looking ahead

I am not a believer in New Year resolutions. However, it is helpful to have some sort of priority order in mind each year. Of course, that list has to be flexible. For 2022, I would love to focus more on academics - maybe do a few projects, and continue reading as many books as possible while also trying to maintain a vibrant social life. Wish me luck.

Thank you for reading till the end. I hope to write more essays this year; however, I won’t promise anything. As I said, I’d make academics my main focus this year and try to center other activities around that. Let’s see how it goes. I hope you have a great year! See you around.

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