By Chitra Divakaruni
Rating: 8/10

The book essentially narrates the Mahabharata but from Draupadi’s point-of-view. That’s what makes the book unique and genuinely intriguing. As a child, I have watched and listened to the Mahabharata.

I guess you can call this novel a summary of the entire epic, but that is debatable. I picked up the book from some random Kindle recommendation. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I recommend that you read it too.

Okay, then timeless wisdom coming right up. Sit back, read, and get wiser.

You see, a problem becomes a problem only if you believe it to be so. And often, others see you as you see yourself. This is so true but a little idealistic. I am one of those overthinkers who likes to over-analyze situations and get too emotional about them. More often than not, most things turn out to be way more superior than I imagined them to be.

Mahabharata 101

Three dangerous moments will come to you (Draupadi).

  • The first will be just before your wedding: at that time, hold back your question.
  • The second will be when your husbands are at the height of their power: at that time, hold back your laughter.
  • The third will be when you’re shamed as you’d never imagined possible: at that time, hold back your curse. Maybe it will mitigate the catastrophes to come.

Pleasure is more straightforward and duty more critical. Learn to be satisfied with them. I don’t know what this is supposed to mean.

Can our actions change our destiny? Or are they like sand piled against the breakage in a dam, merely delaying the inevitable? I think so. I don’t believe in fate. All things that happen result from our past actions, so more or less, if you persevere, you’ll do great or horrible things both.

Expectations are like hidden rocks in your path – all they do is trip you up. Keep your expectations to trip less. This applies to both what you expect from people and all that you wish of yourself.

Just as we cast off worn clothes and wear new ones, the soul casts off the body and finds a new one to work out its karma when the time arrives. Therefore the wise grieve neither for the living nor the dead. Be smart, and try to enjoy your days more. We only have so many days to live here on Earth.

The pleasures that arise from sense- objects are bound to end, and thus they are only sources of pain. Don’t get attached to them. And when a man reaches a state where honor and dishonor are similar to him, he is considered supreme. Strive to gain such a state.

Seeing a loved one in pain is more wrenching than to bear that pain yourself.


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