Are you well too familiar with the feedback forms that you get to fill at the end of the semester? I filled one of those towards the end of the semester for a course some time ago. A few days ago the class received an email from the Professor concerned. This post will hopefully exponentially reduce the amount of regret I felt after seeing the message from him. I am sure you can relate to it as well.
You can have a look at the feedback here.
As soon as I read the email, I felt that I should have done a better job at filling the feedback form despite my mood that day. I am sure you can tell I wasn’t in the best of moods by looking at the form. I hope by the end of this article, I will have convinced you to fill out the form honestly (I was honest, though; may be not so rational). In particular, here is how the feedback system at IITK works:
- Instructors and tutors who get high scores in the feedback forms are appreciated for teaching well. The director also gives them a letter of commendation.
- In recent years, awards have been instituted during teachers’ day which are based on the feedback (started last year).
- If any instructor gets lower ratings or strong adverse comments, the head and sometimes the director also calls him/her up. Especially for new faculty members who are trying to get settled in the system, these feedbacks can have a ‘make or break’ effect. I just hope I did not break anybody’s feedback cycle.
- The department Head in many cases goes over the feedback of different instructors, especially of young faculty members to see if they are teaching well. Only after that does the dept. Head hand over the feedback to the faculty concerned.
- Most importantly. For many instructors, the feedback is a valuable source to know how the course went and how they can improve it in the future.
In summary. If given a chance please fill in the feedback form or any sort of review form honestly. If you are not in the right mood like I was, please just politely refuse to fill it, you might save someone.
I’m sorry for not doing my part.
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